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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do you hear Me now?

I don't know, but I wonder if a person's subconscious mind responds to music. I believe it does. Every day I think about my friend Mary Jane. I don't know if she thinks about me, or if she thinks about anything. She has Alzheimer's. All I know is that I want to connect with her. The times that I have visited her in the nursing home, I know she knows me. She is as alien to me as E.T. was to Elliott, but I sense the same type connection between us, and I wonder if I can reach her through music.

When I put my headphones on and listen to worship music, I'm immersed in the presence of the Lord. In my mother's hospital room during her last days, we played soothing worship music continuously. Entering her room brought a sense of calm and peace. Hearing the sound throughout airways is one thing, but having the perfect blends of melody and tones directly in the ear takes hearing to a new level.

I want God's voice to be to me as the headphone are: directly heard, clearly received, uncorrupted by other voices. Job 33:14 says, "But God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions in the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear..." And my favorite verse, Isaiah 30:21, "Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.' " When we want to get a child's attention, the best way is to speak directly into their ear. This is not a time to yell, but to whisper.

I thought this posting was about Mary Jane. Maybe not; maybe it's about me. I don't know very much about Alzheimer's. I only know that I love my friend, I know she's "in there" somewhere, and if I can reach her, I will. I want to put the headphones on her ears and let her hear the sounds of worship and see if she responds. Maybe the Lord is trying to get through to me as I'm trying to get through to her. That's what I pray I'll be sensitive to. I'm learning that the burden is on me to listen. He's not going to raise His voice and yell at me. He's going to whisper in my ear and I don't want to miss it!

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