Today I had a great compliment. It came from a dear young mom who was in a speech/drama class I taught in high school. She is now the mother of two adorable little girls, and we occasionally meet for coffee in order to discuss the challenges of being a wife and mother, as well as a dozen other topics. When we parted she said to me, "You know why I enjoy being with you so much? It's because you are always so POSITIVE." She pointed out that so often women (and men) of my generation are so... well, negative.
This is a challenge that I started thinking about a good many years ago. I knew that one day I would be a part of the senior generation. Believe me, I have fought it as hard as my body will allow me. Some things are inevitable, but being a positive person with a good attitude is something that, with God's empowerment, I can control. Mt motivation is quite simple: I want people to like me. I especially want young people to like me.
About twenty years ago(really, has it been that long?), I found an article in our hometown newspaper that pertained to aging gracefully. I kept it, because it has the best advice for insuring positive thinking and popularity with people that I have ever seen. It is advice attributed to a Dr. Maria Haynes, a UCLA professor at the time. This is what she suggests.
1. When you are young, find out what qualities in old people are admired by the young. Remember them.
2.Never praise the good old days. Live in the present.
3.Learn early in life how to be well-balanced emotionally, how to control anger. Oldsters who aren't upset by unpleasant events, who can deal with crises wisely, are sought out by young people as sources of advice and strength.
4. Keep alive intellectually. This means not only reading and other cultural activities but maintaining a lively interest in all things going on around you.
5. Maintain strict adherence to principles of personal hygiene. Neat personal appearance and good table manners ,make oldsters attractive to the younger generation.
6. Lay a groundwork early in life. You can't be a pleasant old man or woman unless you cultivate these qualities long before you grow old. They don't come naturally with age.
I need to post these suggestions on my refrigerator because I don't think I'll find anything that says it better. I want to maintain a positive outlook on life. I want to be the kind of woman that is described in Proverbs 31:25, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future." I want that to be me.
1 comment:
I love you and ALL your wonders that GOD has given you!
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