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Books I Recommend

  1. Shepherding a Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp
  2. Don't Make Me Count to Three, Ginger Plowman
  3. Parenting, Chuck Swindoll
  4. Do All to the Gory of God, Watchman Nee
  5. 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family, Rebecca Hagelin
  6. Personality Puzzle, Florence and Marita Littauer
  7. Celebrating the Christian Year, Martha Zimmerman
  8. Making Children Mind without Losing Yours, Kevin Leman
  9. How Do You Find the Time, Pat King
  10. No Ordinary Home, Carol Brazzo
  11. A Place of Quiet Rest, Nancy Leigh DeMoss
  12. Hints on Child Training, Clay Trumbull
  13. Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches, Rachel Jankovic

Our Family 2015

Our Family 2015