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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Time for Tea

This year I hosted the inaugural Granddaughter Tea at the Strange house. I think I’ve now established a new tradition.

For the past 44 years, I’ve dealt successfully (I think) with newborn, toddler, pre-adolescent, teen, college-age, and adult males. Now five adorable new challenges are in my life— granddaughters!
To be honest, I have to admit I haven’t been comfortable with how to manage them. It’s true. Girls are different from boys!

This year, I believe I found at least one thing that works: a GRANDDAUGHTER TEA! What this means is, I get everything I see that shines, has flowers, smells good, looks pretty, and tastes sweet and let the little girls enjoy it. I polished my silver; I pulled out blue and white dessert plates and cups; I found teapots and arranged flowers in them; I used crocheted doilies under the serving dishes; I lit the candles; I played melodious CDs. I sent an E-vite to the other grandmothers and a few close friends, and we had a party!

The little girls were darlings. They sat at the dining room table like miniature princesses. Some wore the paper crowns they had decorated with fake jewels, while others sported the hats they had covered with flowers and other embellishments. Of course I had to wear one as well. They sipped hot spiced punch, ate the delicacies, including the cherry tomatoes and the cucumber slices, and sat at the dining table making polite conversation.

All together, I’d say it was a totally successful event. It’s not what I have done for the past four decades, but it’s a new chapter…and it’s wonderful.

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