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Friday, July 22, 2011

Celebrating 42

This week we are celebrating our 42nd anniversary. Our actual wedding date is July 19, but that night we knew all our children were working, out of town, or otherwise occupied with their busy lives. My day started with Burt bringing me coffee in bed, followed by a relatively unplanned day. I had a haircut scheduled in Albany, so I emailed the young moms that I meet with every week to see if anyone was available to help us celebrate. We decided to meet for dinner at 6:30 that evening, and they could feel free to bring their children. Three of the couples were able to come, so the fourteen of us met at Outback. In the midst of the meal, with the chatter of children and the commotion that goes with a large group, one of the girls said, "So, is this what you had in mind for your romantic evening?" We laughed and said I should take a picture with a caption that said, "And we asked for this!" So we did, and here it is.

I sent the picture to our family members and told them that since they weren't available, we had to find some others to help share the occasion. Our boys' reactions were classic, as usual.

One said, " Didn't know you were cheating on us with another family."

Another one said, "You and Dad have some nice looking kids."

Another, "Good fill-in fam. We're going to have to raise the bar so we won't get replaced."

Our boys always crack me up!

The point of all this is to say "Praise God for wonderful marriages!" Burt and I are happier together than we have ever been, and hardly a day goes by that we don't remind each other of how blessed we are. As vicious as the attack on marriage is now, I am nevertheless encouraged by the couples we know that are committed to doing it right. Our three married sons have marriages founded on solid foundations, and I'm confident the two remaining bachelors will find the same thing. Besides our own guys, I see the same commitment in the young couples I'm with every week, and we find more everywhere we go.

Praise the Lord for marriage. It was His idea in the first place, and unless He changes the plan, it will continue.


Jenny Bryant said...

Love reading your blog!! Keep it up. Glad to see you are back at it again. love you!!!

The Elliott's Adventures said...

So blessed to spend your anniversary night with you and Mr. Burt. We couldn't be more thankful for you and the example that you set for a marriage centered on Christ.

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