I don’t plan to publish all the responses, but I am sharing this one from a young mom because I have a feeling it typifies the feelings many mothers experience. See if you agree!
A close friend of mine who is a retired elementary teacher said the thing that surprised her was the concern young women have about being good mothers. Her own experience had been with so many mothers who didn’t seem to care. Because I personally know so many young mothers who are devoted to their families, I prefer to believe they are the majority. I pray they are!
Anyway, here is the response I received yesterday:
1. My biggest challenges:
Where do I begin?? ; ) One is my own selfishness. And lack of patience. And laziness. Sometimes I want to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. Sometimes I don't want to be a servant - I want to serve myself. Maybe that's taking a nap, going to bed, getting out of the house, having a minute of peace and quiet time, exercising, getting the house straight or having time to get a project done without a dozen interruptions - cleaning out a closet, prepping for homeschool,it may even be a project with the kids or misc, etc. etc. etc. Sometimes (well, most times) I just want to be able to get something done hassle free. Maybe its even just getting the family in and out of the car. Sometimes I get a drill sergeant, ungrateful attitude because I am being Martha instead of Mary. I get overwhelmed with all the to-do's. And not just the to-do's, but the how-to-do's. How to discipline your children biblically, how to disciple them biblically (what books to read, what methods to use, what charts and tools to buy, etc.), how to feed their bodies in a healthy way (should we eat organically or locally or paleo or for our blood type??) Some say dairy is bad, but the dr. says to give them milk. Some say too much meat is bad, but the paleo people say eat bacon. Does it have MSG, is it processed, is it gluten free?, ETC ETC ETC. How to stimulate their minds and exercise their brain and have them learn in the best way, how to let them be creative. Am I doing enough crafts? Are we going on enough outings? Are they having a fun and happy childhood? Am I letting them watch too much TV? The list goes on and on.
Then, there is the whole helpmeet role. Am I giving my husband the time and attention he needs? Am I helping him as he needs to be helped? It's hard to save energy for him when I have to care for the children - and the one growing inside too.
Constantly wondering if I am measuring up... If I am being the wife and mama God wants me to be...
Are my kids going to like me when they grow up? Will they still want to spend time with me? Am I taking them for granted now?
My Marthaness sometimes causes me to speak harshly to them and I HATE THAT. When I do that, that is when I feel like an awful mama. It is my biggest cause of guilt as a mama. Do I like to be spoken to like that? No. Do I want them to speak to others like that? No. But why can't they just do what I ask when I ask without causing me to get frustrated and harsh? Then I think, "Well, of course if I wasn't ever lazy about spanking their little hinies and I was perfectly consistent in discipline and spanking and never raised my voice, then they would obey, so really it's my fault."
2. Biggest Concerns:
This crazy, vulgar, vile, evil world and raising kids in it. Also, my shortcomings as a person, even as a Christian, and a parent and how they will affect who my children turn out to be.
Does anyone relate?
Careen - I am just now finding your blog and I am in heaven. Now..I get a little bit of you in Atlanta! i TOTALLY TOTALLY relate to this sweet mama's honesty 100%%%. My response would be just like hers.....too many options these days to parent our children and it clouds our heads and then all we really want is some quiet time to get something done but our heads are too clouded with what diet to follow, book to read, discipline to implement, etc.....
I love that I get to read your writings and learn from you through this!
I completely completely relate with this sweet mama. I love getting to "see" you on your blog, Mrs. Careen!
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